Lysende nattskyer - Noctilucent clouds

Lysende nattskyer – Noctilucent clouds

Lysende nattskyer er noe som kun kan sees i sommermånedene, og bare rundt 50-70 grader nord og sør, men som likevel ikke er vanlige å se. Dette er skyer som er…

Black-cheeked Woodpecker (Melanerpes pucherani)

Black-cheeked Woodpecker (Melanerpes pucherani)

A common and opportunistic bird that gladly eats from human feeding stations during its daily rounds in its range. It sounds like this:

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Such an amazing moment! Warm summer's night, with a calm sea reflecting the wonderous sky.

Flaggspett | Great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)

Flaggspett | Great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)

This youngster is fully capable of catching its own food by now, but conveniently sits on this dead branch hoping the parents will continue the feeding. Its…

Ekorn (Sciurus vulgaris)

Ekorn (Sciurus vulgaris)

Hun skulle bare visst hvor søt jeg synes hun er, og svært mange med meg. Nusselig er bare fornavnet! Jeg har 3 stykker som har bol i diverse trær på tomten, og…

2016 Solar eclipse

2016 solar eclipse

This photo is right before the end of totality, and I remember how I was taken completely by surprise when the sun re-appeared - "is it over already?", I…

2016 solar eclipse

2016 solar eclipse

In this shot you can see something amazing that is only possible to see the few seconds before and after totality - when the sun is but a tiny point or line of…

Rådyr (Capreolus capreolus) sitter fast i porten

Rådyr (Capreolus capreolus)

Med litt ujevne mellomrom hørte jeg noen høye pipelyder som fra en trillebår med hjul uten smøring. Det viste seg etterhvert at det var hylet om hjelp fra…

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Last summer was sunny and warm, and many of the nights were filled with these mysterious night-shining clouds. This summer has been a cool, cloudy and unstable…

Green-barred Woodpecker (Colaptes melanochloros)

Green-barred Woodpecker (Colaptes melanochloros)

This was a brief encounter with the species as I was about to leave SouthWild Pantanal and go to Chapada dos Guimarães - the rainmaker and the source of…