Brown-necked Raven (Corvus ruficollis)

Brown-necked Raven (Corvus ruficollis)

This was a lovely encounter as they were so relaxed and unprovoked by my presence. They are not endemic to Socotra and are as such not a threatened species.…

Grey treepie (Dendrocitta formosae)

Grey treepie (Dendrocitta formosae)

Saari Village, Uttarakhand, India In flight this tail is all fun, but when perched it can be somewhat cumbersome after landing, as it comes on the way of…

Ospeskrubb | Aspen boletes (Leccinum aurantiacum/albostipitatum)

Ospeskrubb | Aspen boletes (Leccinum aurantiacum/albostipitatum)

The forest is full of amazing fungi now, and I am having a blast looking for the best specimens of each species. But when I finally find one and set up my…

Grey treepie (Dendrocitta formosae)

Grey treepie (Dendrocitta formosae)

This is one of many opportunities that just presented itself after I had given up on getting any good captures during my Bhutan journey. I had just finished my…

Red-billed chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)

Red-billed chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)

This was such a beautiful spring morning, with soft light, haze and mist in layers low above the farmland. The air perfectly still. There were quite a number…

ed-billed chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)

Red-billed chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)

This was my very first encounter of this species, and what a lovely first contact. These two were enjoying what seemed like true affection and love for each…

Svalbard spring

Svalbard spring

Several hours ago I watched the total solar eclipse which coincided with spring equinox. In Svalbard, March is one of the coldest months, and here you can see…

Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park

Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park

This my second day here and thus another panorama (large image - click to see) of the incredible formations named Cidade de pedra in Portuguese, and this is…

Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park

Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park

This is a tiny fraction of the plateau which is the water source for Pantanal in Brazil - the largest wetland in the world. A major reason this has managed to…

Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park

Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park

This is a tiny fraction of the plateau which is the water source for Pantanal in Brazil - the largest wetland in the world. This is looking west towards the…