Coelocarpum haggierensis UV

Coelocarpum haggierensis UV

No surprise in color distribution in UV light compared to visible light for this species - brighter center compared to…

Hypericum balfourii UV

Hypericum balfourii UV

The flowers of this giant of hypericums are dark in center in UV, compared to the all-yellow in visible light.

Socotra bottle tree (Adenium obesum ssp. socotranum) UV

Socotra bottle tree (Adenium obesum ssp. socotranum) UV

What's interesting with this landscape view of the bottle tree, is that the flowers appear same color in UV as the…

Lavandula nimmoi UV

Lavandula nimmoi UV

Appears much duller in UV compared to visible light. Endemic.

Kalanchoe farinacea UV

Kalanchoe farinacea UV

Very interesting in UV, as the flowers have more variations in color than in visible light in which it appears…

Heliotropium nigricans UV

Heliotropium nigricans UV

White in visible light but quite dark in UV, and stands out in an otherwise dull/grey background in UV.

Dragon blood tree (Dracaena cinnabari) UV

Dragon blood tree (Dracaena cinnabari) UV

Visiting Socotra is like going back to another time and even to another planet entirely. When visiting the only…

Euryops arabicus UV

Euryops arabicus UV

No surprise for this Asteraceae - dark in the center opposed to all yellow in visible light.

Lachnocapsa spathulata UV

Lachnocapsa spathulata UV

Yet another species with very dark flowers in UV.

Lotus ononopsis UV

Lotus ononopsis UV

This one was a surprise in UV all dark as it is, except for two tiny openings in the center.

Ruellia insignis UV

Ruellia insignis UV

Very prominent against dark leaves and the rocks in UV. Endemic.

Evolvulus alsinoides UV

Evolvulus alsinoides UV

Almost same color in visible as in UV (although UV light is only an approximate and subjective projection, it is after…