Coelocarpum haggierensis

Coelocarpum haggierensis

As the name implies Coelocarpum haggierensis primarily grows in the Haghier mountains - the granite heart of Socotra.…

Coelocarpum socotranum

Coelocarpum socotranum

Coelocarpum socotranum is one of two species in the genus. This species grows to less than 50 cm in height, while the…

Coelocarpum socotranum

Coelocarpum socotranum

Coelocarpum socotranum is one of two species in the genus. This species grows to less than 50 cm in height, while the…

Coelocarpum socotranum

Coelocarpum socotranum

Coelocarpum socotranum is one of two species in the genus. This species grows to less than 50 cm in height, while the…

Coelocarpum socotranum

Coelocarpum socotranum

Coelocarpum socotranum is one of two species in the genus. This species grows to less than 50 cm in height, while the…

Coelocarpum socotranum

Coelocarpum socotranum

Coelocarpum socotranum is one of two species in the genus. This species grows to less than 50 cm in height, while the…

Coelocarpum socotranum

Coelocarpum socotranum

Coelocarpum socotranum is one of two species in the genus. This species grows to less than 50 cm in height, while the…

Coelocarpum socotranum

Coelocarpum socotranum

Coelocarpum socotranum is one of two species in the genus. This species grows to less than 50 cm in height, while the…

Priva socotrana

Priva socotrana

Priva socotrana comes in a pink form and a white form, seen here. Endemic. Elevation: 97 meters.

Priva socotrana

Priva socotrana

Priva socotrana comes in a white form and a pink form, seen here. Despite much more grasses than normal, due to…

Coelocarpum haggierensis

Coelocarpum haggierensis

Coelocarpum haggierensis grows to the size of small trees, and this one is just a few meters from the highest point of…

Coelocarpum haggierensis UV

Coelocarpum haggierensis UV

No surprise in color distribution in UV light compared to visible light for oelocarpum haggierensis - brighter center…