Trollbær (Actaea spicata)

Trollbær (Actaea spicata)

Naturlig utbredelse i Europa til Vest-Sibir og Nord-Iran.

Myrvier (Salix glauca)

Myrvier (Salix glauca)

Sjølitjernet i Skogbygda er omkranset av myr og sumpaktig landskap der mange myrbundne arter som myrvieren trives. Hele bestanden av myrvier er sterkt preget…

Blue-headed Parrot (Pionus menstruus)

Blue-headed Parrot (Pionus menstruus)

While I was packing up my gear in the car after a short hike, this lovely parrot landed on this rather flimsy wiring outside a home. As with most species of…

Orange-chinned Parakeet (Brotogeris jugularis)

Orange-chinned Parakeet (Brotogeris jugularis)

A curious individual looking for food at a feeding station at private home that has understood that wild animals should always be wild. As such this individual…

Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao)

Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao)

Tender love between a pair of Scarlet macaws in Costa Rica where they should be - in the wild. Watching these magnificent birds in the wild is amazing, even…

Grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus)

Grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus)

An endangered widow This amazing species is yet another example of how selfish human desires to keep exotic pets drives a species to extinction. Why is it so…

Teiebær | Stone bramble (Rubus saxatilis)

Teiebær | Stone bramble (Rubus saxatilis)

This intensely colored fruit should be easy to see on the forest floor but is quite hard to find as it is mostly hidden under the leaves of the plant.…

Blodstorkenebb / Bloody crane’s-bill (Geranium sanguineum)

Blodstorkenebb | Bloody crane’s-bill (Geranium sanguineum)

This long fruit is how this species got its name. Perhaps not so obvious at this stage as it is more hairy than bloody, but as it matures the red hues will…

Stankstorkenebb | Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum)

Stankstorkenebb | Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum)

Summer is well underway now, and thus many plant species are producing fruits, and in this case a very artistic one at that. When ripe these amazing looking…

Skjermsveve (Hieracium umbellatum)

Skjermsveve (Hieracium umbellatum)

I natt var det frost og mer frost er i vente - november er tross alt kun to uker unna. Det er slutten for blomster for i år, og nå er det for det meste frø og…