2016 solar eclipse

2016 solar eclipse

This might appear like any other landscape photo of a gorgeous tropical location, but this image is in fact displaying some of the last effects (and prior to…

2016 Solar eclipse

2016 solar eclipse

This photo is right before the end of totality, and I remember how I was taken completely by surprise when the sun re-appeared - "is it over already?", I…

2016 solar eclipse

2016 solar eclipse

In this shot you can see something amazing that is only possible to see the few seconds before and after totality - when the sun is but a tiny point or line of…

2015 lunar eclipse

2015 lunar eclipse

What an amazing night!! Perfect conditions due to a high pressure system. No wind, and no significant clouds during totality. After totality and towards…

Total solar eclipse 2015

2015 total solar eclipse

This total eclipse of the sun was very hard to see from land as only the islands of Svalbard and Faroe was in the path of totality. Just 3 days before the…

Itatiaia Spinetail (Asthenes moreirae)

Itatiaia Spinetail (Asthenes moreirae)

I heard the song of this species during both my days on the plateau of Itatiaia National Park, but it's really hard to see as it prefers to stay well hidden in…

Tristerix longibracteata

Tristerix longibracteatus

Altitude 3720 metres. Its native range is Colombia to Peru. Ecuador-0.325556,-78.148333

Tristerix longibracteatus

Tristerix longibracteatus

A parasitic plant, so the wonderful flowers are possible only due to the nutrients stolen from the host plant! In Europe we have the mistletoe - but no such…

Aetanthus nodosus

Aetanthus nodosus

Looks edible and tempting - but are they? First of all red here is not ripe - black is! Should I trust black berries from a plant that is parasitic? Then again…

Aetanthus nodosus

Aetanthus nodosus

Striking colors made from energy stolen from its host plant. Altitude 3450 metres. Native range is Colombia to Peru. Ecuador-0.355556,-78.151111……