Dragon Blood Tree (Dracaena cinnabari)

Here on Socotra’s northeastern limestone plateau you’ll find a dragon blood tree here and there, some toppled over by past cyclones, and some very old like this one, still standing.

It is an incredible individual, hundreds of years old. They can reach 700 years or more, and this one is likely very close. The problem for this iconic specimen is that despite producing seeds, there are no seedlings anywhere to be seen, as the goats consume them all. The only seedlings that stand a chance are those growing in the midst of a bush that is unpalatable to them.


Elevation: 562 meters.

Read more:
About the status of the dragon blood tree.

About conservation efforts and studies.

Dragon Blood Tree (Dracaena cinnabari)

Dragon Blood Tree (Dracaena cinnabari)

Dragon Blood Tree (Dracaena cinnabari)

Last updated on 25 February 2024