1 Jun 2024
Blokkebær (Vaccinium uliginosum)
Blokkebær kan kanskje ligne på blåbær i forbifarten, men både blomsten og frukten er veldig forskjellig. En smak på frukten vil gi smaksløkene umiddelbar…
1 Jun 2024
Multe (Rubus chamaemorus)
Multeblomsten er vakker, skjør og kortlevd. Det skal ikke mer enn en regnskur og noen vindkast til før kronbladene ødelegges. Om noen uker vil det vise seg om…
22 May 2024
Rogn (Sorbus aucuparia)
I fjor var det knapt en blomst å se på rognetrærne, mens i år er det ikke en eneste rognetre uten blomsterstand på hver eneste gren. Det er så mange rogn i…
18 Dec 2023
Monolluma socotrana
Monolluma socotrana can be found with flowers almost any time of the year on Socotra, but where to find one is the question. This one was just next to the…
18 Dec 2023
Beadbean (Maerua angolensis ssp. socotrana)
Maerua angolensis ssp. socotrana is a species with the unmistakable hanging branches that sway in the wind. It's found sporadically throughout Socotra, growing…
18 Dec 2023
Justicia rigida
Justicia rigida is found in Socotra's low-lying western plains and near the coast. It has white flowers, but I encountered none with flowers during my December…
18 Dec 2023
Commiphora kua
Of all the 5 species of Commiphora on Socotra, Commiphora kua is the only one that is not endemic. It is also the only one that is a shrub no taller than 1…
18 Dec 2023
Commiphora kua
Of all the 5 species of Commiphora on Socotra, Commiphora kua is the only one that is not endemic. It is also the only one that is a shrub no taller than 1…
18 Dec 2023
Commiphora kua
Of all the 5 species of Commiphora on Socotra, Commiphora kua is the only one that is not endemic. It is also the only one that is a shrub no taller than 1…