South American Freshwater crab (Dilocarcinus pagei)

South American Freshwater crab (Dilocarcinus pagei)

Quite far from any lake or river I encountered this crab on one of the trails in the forest around SouthWild Pantanal. As the rain showers become more frequent…

Julia (Dryas iulia)

Julia (Dryas iulia)

This butterfly turned up as I was photographing flowers alongside one of the trails around SouthWild Pantanal.

Gulf fritillary (Dione vanillae)

Gulf fritillary (Dione vanillae)

During my visit I saw many species of butterflies on the many sandbanks. Capybaras and other mammals leave behind body fluids, feces and urine that attract…

Juno Longwing (Dione juno)

Juno Longwing (Dione juno)

During my journeys on the rivers I saw many species of butterflies on the sandbanks. Capybaras and other mammals leave behind body fluids, feces and urine that…

Wallace’s Longwing (Heliconius wallacei)

Wallace’s Longwing (Heliconius wallacei)

Further up the Cristalino River, the first rapids and a small island with a great tree, Cristalino Jungle Lodge has a small farm and here I found several…

Heliconius sp

Heliconius sp

Further up the Cristalino River, the first rapids and a small island with a great tree, Cristalino Jungle Lodge has a small farm and here I found several…

Heliconius sp

Heliconius sp

This was my farwell to Chalalan, and even though it was raining some butterflies were out feeding on urine or naturally occuring salts. Please help me identify…

Knegras (Danthonia decumbens)

Knegras (Danthonia decumbens)

Fargen og tildels også på denne lokasjonen formen på bladene er veldig like uten nærmere ettersyn. Bladet som vender ned (det øverste) er knegress, mens det…

Knegras (Danthonia decumbens)

Knegras (Danthonia decumbens)

Knegress la jeg først merke til fordi jeg så noen blåfargete blader langs noen fjellsprekker mellom Ingierstrand og Sandbukta. De står relativt skyggefult mot…

Knegras (Danthonia decumbens)

Knegras (Danthonia decumbens)

Som navnet tilsier har knegress ledd som gir knebøy i veksten. En annen med knebøy er knereverumpe, men mange andre gressarter har også knebøy, men den er…