Blue-throated barbet (Psilopogon asiaticus)

Blue-throated barbet (Psilopogon asiaticus)

Barbets are such colorful birds and when seen out in the open on a naked branch, you would not think of this as a bird very hard to locate once it’s in the…

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) over Oslo

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) over Oslo

Amazing northern lights over Oslo tonight! Winter solstice is just hours away, and this must be the most amazing way to celebrate that the long nights soon,…

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) over Oslo

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) over Oslo

Clear skies and auroras two days in a row! Wow! That's truly rare, but nonetheless wonderful. The air was very damp and the glow from the city lights is quite…

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) over Oslo

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) over Oslo

Finally a moonless aurora night!! Even within the dome of Oslo's light pollution this was a great display. Hopefully there will be more clear skies and auroras…

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) over Oslo

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) over Oslo

A very busy couple of days Aurora-wise, and the second time for me since since the Perseids the 13th! Without the bright moon this would have been an amazing…

2015 Perseids and northern lights over Oslo

2015 Perseids and northern lights over Oslo

What an incredible number of coincidences in one night! First of all a clear night - a rarity this summer! Add the first aurora borealis after the bright…

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)

I did't have high expectations tonight due to the full moon, but I set up my camera to do timelapse. To my surprise there was a great ouburst just minutes…

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)

A crisp and clear night with freezing winds, and a very bright moon! A moon this bright is very bad for watching stars as well as northern lights. Perhaps in…

ARCC plant 04 (Calathea)

ARCC plant 04 (Calathea)

This plant grows in the shadows of the trees – on the forest floor at the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) in Peru. Please help me identify it –…

ARCC plant 04 (Calathea)

ARCC plant 04 (Calathea)

This plant grows in the shadows of the trees - on the forest floor at the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) in Peru.