Argiope sector

Argiope sector

Elevation: 139 meters. Argiope sector

Ochre-breasted Antpitta (Grallaricula flavirostris)

Ochre-breasted Antpitta (Grallaricula flavirostris)

At 10cm (4in) this is one of the smaller species of antpittas.

Chestnut-crowned antpitta (Grallaria ruficapilla)

Chestnut-crowned Antpitta (Grallaria ruficapilla)

The secretive antpittas are heard for the most part and seen only when you patiently and carefully hone in on their location. Even then it will often be their…

Equatorial Antpitta (Grallaria saturata)

Equatorial Antpitta (Grallaria saturata)

Many of the antpitta species have incredible vocal abilities, and the rufous antpitta is one of those. They live in dense forests where the reach of sound is…

Spiny orb-weaver (Gasteracantha cancriformis)

Spiny orb-weaver (Gasteracantha cancriformis)

Today Lima with suburbs is huge and have claimed large land areas that were previously lagoons and wetlands made from rivers and springs fed by the Andes.…

Neoscona moreli

Neoscona moreli

Today Lima with suburbs is huge and have claimed large land areas that were previously lagoons and wetlands made from rivers and springs fed by the Andes.…

Silver Argiope (Argiope argentata)

Silver Argiope (Argiope argentata)

Today Lima with suburbs is huge and have claimed large land areas that were previously lagoons and wetlands made from rivers and springs fed by the Andes.…