Ochre-breasted Antpitta (Grallaricula flavirostris)

Ochre-breasted Antpitta (Grallaricula flavirostris)

At 10cm (4in) this is one of the smaller species of antpittas.

Chestnut-crowned antpitta (Grallaria ruficapilla)

Chestnut-crowned Antpitta (Grallaria ruficapilla)

The secretive antpittas are heard for the most part and seen only when you patiently and carefully hone in on their location. Even then it will often be their…

Equatorial Antpitta (Grallaria saturata)

Equatorial Antpitta (Grallaria saturata)

Many of the antpitta species have incredible vocal abilities, and the rufous antpitta is one of those. They live in dense forests where the reach of sound is…

Oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)

Oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)

As the day is nearing its end, this individual is resting atop this tree stub as it's possibly well fed for the day. If not disturbed it might stay overnight.…

Seychelles blue pigeon (Alectroenas pulcherrimus)

Seychelles blue pigeon (Alectroenas pulcherrimus)

The Seychelles blue pigeon is beautiful and common species throughout the Seychelles islands, but on Bird Island where this was shot I encountered only two. It…

Seychelles blue pigeon (Alectroenas pulcherrimus)

Seychelles blue pigeon (Alectroenas pulcherrimus)

A common resident throughout the Seychelles archipelago you likely will see for the first time around the airport. On Bird Island, where this was shot, I did…

Scaled Dove (Columbina squammata)

Scaled Dove (Columbina squammata)

As I was waiting for the toucan parents to return with food to a nest I could also observe all the other species moving in and out of my area, and this one was…

Picazuro Pigeon (Patagioenas picazuro)

Picazuro Pigeon (Patagioenas picazuro)

I noticed this individual sitting on the cecropia branch, but it was just the first of a wave of birds. There's quite a large group of this species in the…

Gullstjerne (Gagea lutea)

Gullstjerne (Gagea lutea)

Disse vokser i en stor samling i hagen til nummer 1, men også hos meg har det spredt seg et eksemplar. Blomstrer veldig tidlig - samtidig med hestehov og…

Equatorial Antpitta (Grallaria saturata)

Equatorial Antpitta (Grallaria saturata)

Yanacocha has recently succeeded in domesticating the Rufous Antpitta, something my guide was unaware of the first time we went to this reserve in November.…