Tjeld - Eurasian oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)

Tjeld – Eurasian oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)

Bestanden av blåskjell er på et historisk lavmål i Oslo- og Bunnefjorden, og det er nesten ingen voksne skjell igjen. De jeg har funnet ligger i fjellsprekker.…

Tjeld - Eurasian oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)

Tjeld – Eurasian oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)

Det er flere par tjeld som hekker på Fyrsteilene i år og denne ungen er en av tre i dette kullet. Desverre overlevde ikke den tredje, så nå har hver unge sin…

Tjeld | Eurasian oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)

Tjeld – Eurasian oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)

Det er flere par tjeld som hekker på Fyrsteilene, og der tjelden er er det umulig å ikke høre deres karakteristiske lyder. Når de har intense "dialoger" som…

Ladder-tailed nightjar (Hydropsalis climacocerca)

Ladder-tailed nightjar (Hydropsalis climacocerca)

Here in the Peruvian Amazon I found many nightjars around an oxbow lake at Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC), and this one was perched in plain…

Itatiaia Gecko 02

Itatiaia Gecko 02

The second of many species of Gecko in the park. Altitude: 1021 metres. Please help me identify it - leave a comment :-)

Itatiaia Gecko 01

Itatiaia Gecko 01

As with buildings in Pantanal and the Amazon rainforest, there are geckos here in the buildings of Hotel do Ype. This night was particularly rich in insects…

Blackish Nightjar (Caprimulgus nigrescens)

Blackish Nightjar (Caprimulgus nigrescens)

Nightjars are naturally hard to see as they're nocturnal, but you definitely hear them and if you use their sound you can often locate them with a flashlight.…

Pantanal Gecko 02

Pantanal Gecko 02

This is the second gecko species I found on the walls of Pousada Xaraés, and I'm certain there are several more species living in and around these buildings.…

Pantanal Gecko 01

Pantanal Gecko 01

In the rainy season it's not easy to be a gecko in Pantanal, so the buildings of Pousada Xaraés are a perfect all year home! Despite this I didn't see that…

American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus)

American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus galapagensis)

What a difference in behavior to the European Oystercatcher! The European Oystercatcher is extraordinarily vocal and territorial. Here they are heard now and…