Mountain Willow (Salix fruticulosa)

Mountain Willow (Salix fruticulosa)

Salix fruticulosa is found in Sikkim's subalpine biome. Elevation: 3636 meters. Native range is Central and Eeast Himalaya to Tibet.

Mountain Willow (Salix fruticulosa)

Mountain Willow (Salix fruticulosa)

Salix fruticulosa is found in Sikkim's subalpine biome. Elevation: 3636 meters. Native range is Central and Eeast Himalaya to Tibet.

Mountain Willow (Salix fruticulosa)

Mountain Willow (Salix fruticulosa)

Salix fruticulosa is found in Sikkim's subalpine biome. Elevation: 3636 meters. Native range is Central and Eeast Himalaya to Tibet.

Salix myrtillacea

Salix myrtillacea

Salix myrtillacea is found in Sikkim's temperate biome. Elevation: 3789 meters. Native range is Himalaya from Pakistan to China and Myanmar.

Myrvier (Salix glauca)

Myrvier (Salix glauca)

Sjølitjernet i Skogbygda er omkranset av myr og sumpaktig landskap der mange myrbundne arter som myrvieren trives. Hele bestanden av myrvier er sterkt preget…

Utetheisa sp

Utetheisa sp

At around 800 meter elevation and up the Euryops arabicus were in bloom and thus a lot of insects gathered to eat from the huge number of flowers. This was one…

Chamaecrista desvauxii

Chamaecrista desvauxii

Native range is Mexico to tropical South America. -15.2997,-55.8406

Chamaecrista desvauxii UV

Chamaecrista desvauxii UV

Perhaps even more beautiful in UV as the dark center is contrasting the bright petals, opposed to all yellow we humans see? -15.2997,-55.8406……

Chamaecrista desvauxii

Chamaecrista desvauxii

Native range is Mexico to tropical South America. -15.2997,-55.8406