Lord Howe Island Surfer

The clarity and color of the sea here on Lord Howe Island’s Blinky Beach is absolutely stunning, and when waves are rolling in you can see the turquoise stand bright against the froth of the breaking waves when the sun is low and at a favorable angle.

I have seen these colors in the arctic, but here I can sit comfortably on the sandy beach, resting my bare feet on the soothingly soft sand and simply enjoy every wave more stunning than the next.

I started, as always, focusing on nature alone, but then the human element simply became impossible to ignore as it adds scale but is also an excellent example of how life is here on this remarkable island where you live with nature and plan accordingly. One day you might dive, the next it’s too dangerous, but great for surfing. One day the sunset might be a stunner the next it might be cloudy.

The weather here, especially the wind, is very variable and not like those tropical islands that have prevailing trade winds. Here the wind can be very strong from the north one day and the next coming equally strong from the opposite direction.

If you’re into surfing, or photographing huge waves hitting the shore, then you jump at the opportunity when it’s there as it might be a while until a similar opportunity comes along.

Last updated on 1 December 2020