4 Dec 2014
Justicia laevilinguis
Justicia laevilinguis is a species I found sporadically in the fields around SouthWild Pantanal. Native range is…
4 Dec 2014
Echinodorus sp
There are many species of Echinodorus in Pantanal, and some grow almost 2 metres tall, but this is a more modest one…
4 Dec 2014
Echinodorus sp
There are many species of Echinodorus in Pantanal, and some grow almost 2 metres tall, but this is a more modest one…
4 Dec 2014
Queen (Danaus gilippus)
Queen (Danaus gilippus) is a truly amazing butterfly, and as I recall the only one of the species I encountered here at…
4 Dec 2014
Tropical Pickerelweed (Pontederia rotundifolia)
At first this looks like a starved water Hyacinth, and you might pass on to find one with a grand inflorescence. When…
4 Dec 2014
Tropical Pickerelweed (Pontederia rotundifolia)
At first this looks like a starved water Hyacinth, and you might pass on to find one with a grand inflorescence. When…
4 Dec 2014
Eleocharis sp
In the more permanent water pools around SouthWild Pantanal, I found good populations of this species. I was in luck…
4 Dec 2014
Aniseia martinicensis
Native range of aniseia martinicensis is tropical and subtropical America.
4 Dec 2014
Pantanal plant 48 (Chamaecrista sp)
I encountered many species in the Fabaceae family in Pantanal, perhaps more than any other place I’ve visited, and the…
4 Dec 2014
Pantanal plant 48 (Chamaecrista sp)
I encountered many species in the Fabaceae family in Pantanal, perhaps more than any other place I've visited, and the…
4 Dec 2014
Pantanal plant 48 (Chamaecrista sp)
I encountered many species in the Fabaceae family in Pantanal, perhaps more than any other place I’ve visited, and the…
4 Dec 2014
Stinking passionflower (Passiflora foetida)
Stinking passionflower (Passiflora foetida) is very similar to the species found in the Galapagos islands - Stinking…