Red-necked Woodpecker (Campephilus rubricollis)

Red-necked Woodpecker (Campephilus rubricollis)

There are many species of woodpecker in Madidi and on the grounds of Chalalan, but this one is by far one of the…

Great Orange tip (Anteos menippe)

Great Orange tip (Anteos menippe)

Sometimes you can see quite large gatherings of this species on the riverbanks, and urine is particularly……

Rainbow katydid (Tettigoniidae)

Rainbow katydid (Tettigoniidae)

Spotted on the grounds of the now out of business Santa Rosa – Chalalan’s neighbor. Please help med identify it - leave…

Genoveva Buckeye (Junonia genoveva)

Genoveva Buckeye (Junonia genoveva)

Spotted on the grounds of the now out of business Santa Rosa - Chalalan's neighbor. -14.459677,-67.881708

Tuichi riverbend

Tuichi riverbend

I'm standing on the grounds of the currently abandoned Santa Rosa lodge, and perhaps permanently as where I stand the…

Boddaert's Tropical Racer (Mastigodryas boddaerti)

Boddaert’s Tropical Racer (Mastigodryas boddaerti)

Boddaert's tropical racer (Mastigodryas boddaerti) was the only tree snake I encountered in Madidi. This is on the…

Santa Rosa Lake, Madidi

Santa Rosa Lake, Madidi

This lake is a few hours by trail and much faster by boat. The lake is huge compared to Chalalan lake, so you have a…

Blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna)

Blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna)

A blue-and-yellow macaw (Ara ararauna) where it belongs - in the wild! It sounds like this:…

Blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna)

Blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna)

Yet another pair I was able to get quite close to - this is on the grounds of the neighboring Santa Rosa (no longer in…

Madidi chrysalis

Madidi chrysalis

What amazing weaving skills! I would really like to know what species this is so I can see what kind of insect this……

Red-barred Amarynthis (Amarynthis meneria)

Red-barred Amarynthis (Amarynthis meneria)

Red-barred amarynthis (Amarynthis meneria) is one of innumerable species of butterflies and moths found here, this is…

Cleonus Metalmark (Detritivora cleonus)

Cleonus Metalmark (Detritivora cleonus)

This is on the trail from Tuichi river to Santa Rosa lake – the much larger neighboring lake to Chalalan.…