My life as a dog on Anaa

My life as a dog on Anaa

My host had two dogs, and such harmonoius dogs! Being a total stranger I would suspect a greeting of loud barks and jumping to and fro. Not these dogs!…

Anaa shell desert

Anaa shell desert

Some areas the shelldunes stretched far and wide, and it resembled a desert more than an atoll. The enormity of shells deposited is is a grand display of how…

Anaa shell dunes

Anaa shell dunes

In the lagoon there are huge deposits of shells in formations similar to what you see in the snowy and windswept mountains in winter. The different ages of…

Anaa ocean channel

Anaa ocean channel

This is one of many openings in the chain of dry land and during storm surges the ocean will flood through here and rearrange shores and islets and deposit…

Heliotrope Tree (Tournefortia argentea)

Heliotrope Tree (Tournefortia argentea)

Native to Anaa and grows widespread here. I found none in bloom the few hours I was on Anaa, but my host put the flowers to scent the bathroom, so they were…

Hermit crab (Paguridae)

Hermit crab (Paguridae)

This Anaa beach was teaming with hermit crabs of sizes from just a few milimeters to about 10 cm. A sign of good health on many levels, as the crabs need food…

Pemphis (Pemphis acidula)

Pemphis (Pemphis acidula)

Endemic to Anaa and is the the dominant plant in some places. It grows right above the reaches of the high tide, and is battered by sea salt and wind. Some can…

Great Crested Tern (Sterna bergii cristata)

Great Crested Tern (Sterna bergii cristata)

At this particular beach the terns were very inquisitive and unafraid. They flew to and fro many times, and hovered low in the sky. They are common thorughout…

Anaa coral reef

Anaa coral reef

Anaa is incredibly diverse, and here the coral dominates the landscape. The outrcops are fossilized coral or limestone.

Pacific Pigweed (Portulaca lutea)

Pacific Pigweed (Portulaca lutea)

Endemic to Anaa, and grows widespread and in particular on disturbed coral ground like roads or paths where it can grow to large specimens like this one. Once…