Searsia thyrsiflora

Searsia thyrsiflora

A common species on Socotra's northwestern limestone plateau (Hamaderoh) where this is captured, and the Haghier mountains. Endemic. Elevation: 595 meters.…

Searsia thyrsiflora UV

Searsia thyrsiflora UV

Not particularly colorful in visible light and even less so in UV - all dark as it is.

Searsia thyrsiflora

Searsia thyrsiflora

I found many of this species on top of Socotra – Skand (or Skand), but few with good flowers as it was nearing the end of the season. Endemic.

Searsia thyrsiflora

Searsia thyrsiflora

I found many of this species on top of Socotra - Skand (or Skand), but few with good flowers as it was nearing the end of the season. Endemic.

Fugletelg (Gymnocarpium dryopteris)

Fugletelg (Gymnocarpium dryopteris)

I Delingsdalen vokser det stedvis tette bestander av fugletelg, som nå om våren er en glassaktig og skjør plante. Når bladene er utvokst blir stengelen svart.…

Lodnebregne (Woodsia ilvensis)

Lodnebregne (Woodsia ilvensis)

Denne bregnen har et treffende navn som er mest tydelig før bladene er utvokst, da de hvite dunaktige hårene dominerer. Denne forsommeren har det regnet jevnt,…

Fugletelg (Gymnocarpium dryopteris)

Fugletelg (Gymnocarpium dryopteris)

Vokser overalt i den mørke og fuktige skogbunnen som her i Delingsdalen naturreservat.

Xyris sp

Xyris sp

Common on Roraima tepui. Please help me identify it - leave a comment!

Orectanthe sceptrum

Orectanthe sceptrum

A most peculiar flower that both looks and feels like plastic! In any case, flowering and producing fruit in particular is the very last of the plant, as it…

Orectanthe sceptrum

Orectanthe sceptrum

One of the most common plant species on Roraima. It resembles pineapple, and like pineapple it dies after blooming and setting fruit.