Camptoloma lyperiiflorum

Camptoloma lyperiiflorum

This species is easily recognized by the glandular hairs. It is found in the cliffs of western and southwestern Socotra, often in places protected by the sun.…

Buddleja colvilei

Buddleja colvilei

Elevation: 3198 meters. Native range is Himalaya to China.

Scrophularia arguta

Scrophularia arguta

I encountered this one close to a vertical cliff that blocks the sun for many months of the year where only the early morning rays reach the ground. In…

Strandkjeks (Ligusticum scothicum)

Strandkjeks (Ligusticum scothicum)

Strandkjeks er en av mange arter som trives og vokser til nydelige eksemplarer på Jeløyas rullesteinstrender. Naturlig utbredelse i subaktiske og subalpine…

Villgulrot - Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)

Villgulrot – Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)

Villgulroten er en toåring plante som jeg kun har funnet ett sted på Fyrsteilene. Den kan ha kommet hit med mennesker eller fuglene og er av fremmedartene på…

Campylanthus spinosus

Campylanthus spinosus

This plant is one of many interesting species I found in a very small area in a valley at 320 meters altitude. A river runs through on the valley floor,…

Campylanthus spinosus UV

Campylanthus spinosus UV

Quite dark in UV and very prominent on the otherwise bright plant and rocks.

Campylanthus spinosus

Campylanthus spinosus

This plant is one of many interesting species I found in a very small area in a valley at 320 meters altitude. A river runs through on the valley floor,…

Camptoloma lyperiiflorum

Camptoloma lyperiiflorum

Densely glandular on almost all of the plant. This keeps goats and insects away, and I have a great specimen to admire!

Camptoloma lyperiiflorum

Camptoloma lyperiiflorum

I found many interesting plant species growing on the steep cliffs on the way to the gorgeous Shuab beach of west Socotra. This one seems to be unpalatable to…