South African Ground Squirrel (Geosciurus inauris)

South African Ground Squirrel (Geosciurus inauris)

The ground squirrel is as cute to us humans as any species of squirrels with their fast pace an entertaining antics. But their lives are faced with the exact…

Variegated Squirrel (Sciurus variegatoides)

Variegated Squirrel (Sciurus variegatoides)

A common species in Costa Rica, and a frequent visitor to easy meals provided by humans - just like the squirrels in Europe and North America, except it is not…

Ekorn | Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)

Ekorn | Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)

This summer has been the most fun in all the years I've lived here, when it comes to squirrels. For some reason at least two female squirrels have made nests…

Peru Pacific Iguana (Microlophus peruvianus)

Peru Pacific Iguana (Microlophus peruvianus)

The coast of Peru is a desert, and fresh water is only available from springs or rivers fed by the Andes. This lizard was far from any such resources, so I…

Amazon Lava Lizard (Tropidurus torquatus)

Amazon Lava Lizard (Tropidurus torquatus)

These lizards were common alongside the path following the Iguaçu Falls.

Fjæresauløk (Triglochin maritima)

Fjæresauløk (Triglochin maritima)

Etter hva jeg har funnet er planten og frukten ikke spesielt spiselig, da den innholder cyanogene glykosider (som det vitenskapelige navnet også understreker)…

Fjæresauløk (Triglochin maritima)

Fjæresauløk (Triglochin maritima)

En av flere vekster som nærmest vokser i sjøen sør på Jeløya. Ved normalvannstand og godt med nedbør har den godt med ferskvann, men ellers kan den stå godt…

Galápagos lava lizard (Michrolophus albemarlensis)

Galápagos lava lizard (Michrolophus albemarlensis)

Also known as Tropidurus spp. Santa Cruz,Galapagos-0.741575, -90.303497