Utetheisa sp

Utetheisa sp

At around 800 meter elevation and up the Euryops arabicus were in bloom and thus a lot of insects gathered to eat from the huge number of flowers. This was one…

Juncus socotranus

Juncus socotranus

A very large species - at least 2 meters tall!

Greater Rhea (Rhea americana)

Greater Rhea (Rhea americana)

Perhaps the first you'll notice when you come to Fazenda San Fransico are all the Rheas leisurely strolling around the farm - some very close to the buildings…

Greater Rhea (Rhea americana)

Greater Rhea (Rhea americana)

At this level the rhea's head is small compared to the body of the parrot. When I look at its facial expression I can't help but giggle - it's so cute! Rheas…

Altiplano plant 18 (Juncaceae)

Altiplano plant 18 (Juncaceae)

Grows on the salty portions of the rim of the Salar de Uyuni that receives fresh water sporadically. Please help me identify it - leave a comment! Altitude:…

Altiplano plant 18 (Juncaceae)

Altiplano plant 18 (Juncaceae)

Grows on the salty portions of the rim of the Salar de Uyuni that receives fresh water sporadically. Please help me identify it - leave a comment! Altitude:…

Patosia clandestina

Patosia clandestina

A common plant that makes huge, dense mats around the springs, streams, rivers and some areas of the lagoons. Everything about this plant is hard and pointy.…

Hårfrytle (Luzula pilosa)

Hårfrytle (Luzula pilosa)

Hårfrytlen gjør ikke mye av seg og de fleste legger ikke engang merke til den. Likevel er dette en av de aller første vekstene som blomstrer, og er ikke til å…

Loxophlebia sp.

Loxophlebia sp.

Please help me identify it - leave a comment :-) 0.002500, -78.677500