Ochradenus socotranus

Ochradenus socotranus

This individual grows on Socotra’s Nait coast, at the edge of a 400 meter drop to the sea. Elevation: 263 meters. Endemic.

Ochradenus socotranus

Ochradenus socotranus

This individual grows on Socotra’s Nait coast, at the edge of a 400 meter drop to the sea. During the summer months the southwestern monsoon reigns supreme…

Ochradenus socotranus

Ochradenus socotranus

The cliffs on the way to Shuab beach of west Socotra have lots of interesting seemingly inaccessible locations for goats and thus the promise of untouched…

Ochradenus socotranus

Ochradenus socotranus

Linear leaves barely distinguishable unless you get up close. This was an untouched and healthy specimen growing out of the sheer cliff face, which is key to…

Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare)

Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare)

A downpour last night has made old and dry waterways yet again flowing with water and this caiman is old enough to remember. Thus it's waiting here where the…

Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare)

Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare) eggs

With so many caimans I should have found many nests, but only found this one, so they hide their eggs very well - at leas for a human. It appeared it was…

Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare)

Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare)

This was one of many caimans resting on a sandbank island that is slowly disappearing in the rising waters. I was here for five days, and this was the only…

Broad-Snouted Caiman (Caiman latirostris)

Broad-Snouted Caiman (Caiman latirostris)

Where there's water there's a caiman, and where there's a caiman there's a multitude of insects. Here a benign glittering sapphire (Lasaia agesilas) sits on it…

Liguster (Ligustrum vulgare)

Liguster (Ligustrum vulgare)

Dekorativt og vintergrønt løvverk gjør at liguster ofte brukes som prydvekst, men her klamrer den seg altså fast til den frie natur i de stupbratte og skrinne…