Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Som soldugg må tettegress opptre langt mer vennlig mot sine ofre ellers i sesongen når de trenger å formere seg. Derfor er blomsten hevet høyt over de klebrige…

Utricularia kumaonensis

Utricularia kumaonensis

Utricularia kumaonensis is found in Sikkim's subtropical to alpine biomes to 4200 meters elevation. Elevation: 1936 meters. Native range is Himalaya to China…

Angolan giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis)

Angolan giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis)

In Namibia's Etosha National Park, there are huge areas with hardly any vegetation at all, and finding giraffes and other large animals here is quite surreal…

Wattled Jacana (Jacana jacana)

Wattled Jacana (Jacana jacana)

This one I encountered as it was preening the feathers, and my entrance did not disturb this behavior, so I could watch as it was doing its business in the…

Bladderwort (Utricularia reniformis)

Bladderwort (Utricularia reniformis)

The leaves are large and very healthy, so this location must be particularly rich in insects. This is a carnivorous plant after all! Altitude: 2460 metres.…

Bladderwort (Utricularia reniformis)

Bladderwort (Utricularia reniformis)

The previous day I found one individual high up on a ledge. An unnecessary climb, as there is a veritable garden here - you just have to walk a little further.…

Wattled Jacana (Jacana jacana)

Wattled Jacana (Jacana jacana)

A canoe is the perfect means to silently glide one the water and get close to the diverse flora and fauna. The jacare caimans veer off just a couple of metres…

Wattled Jacana (Jacana jacana)

Wattled Jacana (Jacana jacana)

A very specialized waterbird that can be seen walking one the floating vegetation without falling through.

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Langs enkelte av grusveiene i Skogbygda vokser det store bestander av tettegress.

Gytjeblærerot (Utricularia intermedia)

Gytjeblærerot (Utricularia intermedia)

Dette var det eneste stedet ved Sjølitjernet jeg fant en så tett samling gytjeblærerot. De fleste vokser i tillegg ytterst på de tynneste myrflakene, noe som…