Planalto Woodcreeper (Dendrocolaptes platyrostris)

Planalto Woodcreeper (Dendrocolaptes platyrostris)

One of several species of woodcreepers seen in the garden of Hotel do Ype. Woodcreepers are hard to identify as they look very similar. This one is similar to…

Rufous Hornero (Furnarius rufus)

Rufous Hornero (Furnarius rufus)

As I was photographing plants I noticed the constant return of and foraging of this bird on the ground around me. Not at all nervous about me, and came very…

Cordilleran Canastero (Asthenes modesta)

Cordilleran Canastero (Asthenes modesta)

There are many small bird species here, and quite a number of them as well, so you'll constantly see and hear them. Thanks to Jim Moore for identification.…

Calceolaria tripartita

Calceolaria tripartita

One of several very similar of the Calceolaria and grows commonly at this altitude. Altitude 3083 metres. It is native to Mexico to Peru.…

Svaleurt (Chelidonium majus)

Svaleurt (Chelidonium majus)

Svaleurten er i valmuefamilien, men frøene minner ikke mye om det jeg forbinder med valmue - langstrakte og ertebelgete som de er. Naturlig utbredelse i…

Svaleurt (Chelidonium majus)

Svaleurt (Chelidonium majus)

En plante jeg stiftet bekjentskap med som liten - den oransje saften og lukten av planten var skikkelig gufffen og gjorde inntrykk. Planten er da også giftig!…