Savannah Elephant (Loxodonta africana)

Savannah Elephant (Loxodonta africana)

The landscapes of Damaraland are incredibly beautiful, and when you encounter a group of savannah elephants in the soft hues of sunrise, it takes your breath…

Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus)

Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus)

The Indian elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus) is commonly seen throughout the open landscape of Corbett National Park, but every now and then you are…

Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus)

Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus)

The Indian elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus) is commonly seen throughout the open landscape of Corbett National Park, but every now and then you are…

Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus)

Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus)

The Indian elephant (Elephas maximus ssp. indicus) is commonly seen throughout the open landscape of Corbett National Park, but every now and then you are…

Blue-throated barbet (Psilopogon asiaticus)

Blue-throated barbet (Psilopogon asiaticus)

Barbets are such colorful birds and when seen out in the open on a naked branch, you would not think of this as a bird very hard to locate once it’s in the…

Smooth-billed Ani (Crotophaga ani)

Smooth-billed Ani (Crotophaga ani)

The oxbow lake at the Amazon Research and Conservation Center is teaming with life, and is an excellent location to get up and close to the smooth-billed ani…

Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira)

Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira)

Guira cuckoo (Guira guira) is a very common bird in Pantanal, but I think they are worth a photo nonetheless, especially when a group of fledgelings sit in a…

Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira)

Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira)

The guira cuckoo (Guira guira) has a peculiar morning ritual - to open a patch of skin at the base of the back and face it directly at the sun. Perhaps they…

Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira)

Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira)

Guira cuckoo (Guira guira) is common bird of the Pantanal and was always around the houses of Fazenda San Fransico - single like this one or in groups. Here…

Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira)

Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira)

A very common bird in Pantanal and sometimes in early mornings you'll see many together basking in the sun in a treetop. This one was alone in this tree -…