Cleome brachycarpa

Cleome brachycarpa

The largest specimen I have come across of this species so far. It's clearly enjoying excellent growing conditions in the shadow of the Archer cliffs.

Cleome brachycarpa UV

Cleome brachycarpa UV

While bright yellow in visible light this flower is completely dark and non-reflective in UV light.Endemic.

Cleome brachycarpa

Cleome brachycarpa

On the hills overlooking the Detwah lagoon on the west coast of Socotra I found many interesting flowers, and luckily some not destroyed by goats. In a few…

Cleome brachycarpa

Cleome brachycarpa

On the hills overlooking the Detwah lagoon on the west coast of Socotra I found many interesting plants, and luckily some not destroyed by goats. Up close you…

Fugletelg (Gymnocarpium dryopteris)

Fugletelg (Gymnocarpium dryopteris)

I Delingsdalen vokser det stedvis tette bestander av fugletelg, som nå om våren er en glassaktig og skjør plante. Når bladene er utvokst blir stengelen svart.…

Lodnebregne (Woodsia ilvensis)

Lodnebregne (Woodsia ilvensis)

Denne bregnen har et treffende navn som er mest tydelig før bladene er utvokst, da de hvite dunaktige hårene dominerer. Denne forsommeren har det regnet jevnt,…

Rock Valley (Valle de las Rocas) & Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

Rock Valley (Valle de las Rocas) & Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

In a garden of rock formations resembling many different animals I was baffled to suddenly stand in front of this Viscacha monitoring my movements.

Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

Southern viscacha (Lagidium viscacia)

If it doesn't move, the Viscacha is near impossible to see. The color is so similar to the rocks, sand and shrubs, that it's only patience or luck that makes…

Fugletelg (Gymnocarpium dryopteris)

Fugletelg (Gymnocarpium dryopteris)

Vokser overalt i den mørke og fuktige skogbunnen som her i Delingsdalen naturreservat.

Cleome anomala

Cleome anomala

Altitude 3083 metres. Native range is Ecuador to Venezuela. -0.361389,-78.149167