Paraerva microphylla

Paraerva microphylla

Endemic. Elevation: 16 meters.

Mountain Knotgrass (Ouret lanata)

Elevation: 542 meters. Native range is Africa to tropical Asia.

Mountain Knotgrass (Ouret lanata)

Mountain Knotgrass (Ouret lanata)

Native range is Africa to tropical Asia. Elevation: 542 meters.

Rødflangre (Epipactis atrorubens)

Rødflangre (Epipactis atrorubens)

Det er alltid oppmuntrende å finne orkideer i sitt nærområde, og dette eksemplaret er av de aller flotteste jeg har funnet. Jeg har funnet både rødflangre og…

Nattfiol (Platanthera bifolia)

Nattfiol (Platanthera bifolia)

Jeg har i mange år fulgt med på flere bestander av nattfiol i mitt nærområde. Flere planter har desverre blitt borte, spesielt de langs Ingierstrandveien, og…

Paraerva microphylla

Paraerva microphylla

Looks similar to Paraerva revoluta, but stems and leaves are glabrous (without hairs), opposed to P revoluta where stems and leaves have woolly hairs or short…

Arabian Jointed Glasswort (Suaeda vermiculata)

Arabian Jointed Glasswort (Suaeda vermiculata)

Erissel - the east-cape of Socotra, is the only place I have encountered this species. It's a specialist that is able to thrive in the windswept and salty…

Socotra plant 18

Arabian Jointed Glasswort (Suaeda vermiculata)

Erissel - the east-cape of Socotra, is the only place I have encountered this species. It's a specialist that is able to thrive in the windswept and salty…

Arabian Jointed Glasswort (Suaeda vermiculata)

Arabian Jointed Glasswort (Suaeda vermiculata)

Erissel - the east-cape of Socotra, is the only place I have encountered this species. It's a specialist that is able to thrive in the windswept and salty…

Arabian Jointed Glasswort (Suaeda vermiculata)

Arabian Jointed Glasswort (Suaeda vermiculata)

Erissel - the east-cape of Socotra, is the only place I have encountered this species. It's a specialist that is able to thrive in the windswept and salty…