The oxbow lake just a few meters from the buildings of the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is an excellent way to get close to flowers on trees and vines that otherwise are out of reach – many meters up towards the canopy.
Native range of dioclea grandiflora is East Bolivia, Northeast Brazil.
Last updated on 22 June 2024
It is in fact D. grandiflora, could i use the photos on my research? really thanks
Hi Andrés and thank you for confirming the species.
You may use with attribution and for your personal research.
can i publish in article, of course with your atribution?
Yes that is OK as long as it’s for research and there is no commercial/monetary interest involved.
Hi Andrés
There are some that disagree with this species existing outside the dry areas of the east of Brazil. This specimen was found in Madre de Dios of Peru. Yet there has been observations and collections from Bolivia in 1991:
Please see discussion in my thread here:
I would appreciate your research and QA of this observation. A clarification of this should be of interest to your research being accurate and factual.
dear Morten
a further analysis of the photographs you have, shows that this could be a different species, i would like yo know if you can get photos of the fruits and of the leaves etc etc
Hello Andrés,
Great to hear back from you. Unfortunately I don’t have pics of the fruits, but this image should do in regards to leaves (for some reason it does not list as a related post):