In for landing on the Anaa atoll

Anaa is 1 hour 20 minutes flight from Tahiti, and is one of the closest of the atolls in the Tuamotu archipelago and the location for the viewing of the 2010 total solar eclipse. The captain was kind enough to take a couple of sweeps over the atoll before landing, so we could take photos of this beatiful and remote place.

Due to the photos being shot from behind the windows of the plane, the colors and quality are not up to par, but they give an idea of Anaa, and it’s immense richness formed by wind, water and sun.

In for landing on the Anaa atoll

In for landing on the Anaa atoll

In for landing on the Anaa atoll

In for landing on the Anaa atoll


Last updated on 20 October 2014