Children of the neelakurinji

Children of the neelakurinji

Barefoot, these kids are climbing a very special mountainside behind their Ooty village. For the first time in their lives the hill has become purple with…

Neelakurinji (Strobilanthes kunthiana) bloom of 2018

Neelakurinji (Strobilanthes kunthiana) bloom of 2018

Last time these flowers were seen was 12 years ago, and the next time will be in 12 years! During an entire century this species will bloom only 8 times – that…

Neelakurinji bloom in the Nilgiris

Neelakurinji (Strobilanthes kunthiana) bloom of 2018

A spectacular view of the Neelakurinji bloom in the Nilgiris! Last time these flowers were seen was 12 years ago, and the next time will be in 12 years!…

Eriocaulon sp

Eriocaulon sp

These flowers seems to hover in the air from afar. Only a closer look reveals the thinnest of stems holding these soft and furry "buttons". This specimen grew…

Gran Sabana flower 008

Gran Sabana flower 008

A shrub I found close to the Kaimoran Lodge. Please help me identify it - leave a comment!

False Meadowbeauty (Pterolepis glomerata)

False Meadowbeauty (Pterolepis glomerata)

I found this growing in a small brook close by Kamoiran lodge. Native range is Tropical South America.

Kielmeyera sp

Kielmeyera sp

This bush was growing in the proximity of the Kaimoran lodge. Please help me identify it - leave a comment!

Bladderwort (Utricularia sp)

Bladderwort (Utricularia sp)

This tiny flower was growing close to the river (it's under water in the rainy season) behind Kamoiran lodge.