Aspilia sp

Aspilia sp

This species was in some places growing in large and dense populations along Cuiaba river and the rivers further into Jaguarland. Several times I wanted to…

Justicia laevilinguis

Justicia laevilinguis

Justicia laevilinguis is a species I found sporadically in the fields around SouthWild Pantanal. Native range is Mexico, Trinidad to south tropical America.

Justicia laevilinguis

Justicia laevilinguis

Justicia laevilinguis is a species I found sporadically in the fields around SouthWild Pantanal. Native range is Mexico, Trinidad to south tropical America.

Echinodorus sp

Echinodorus sp

There are many species of Echinodorus in Pantanal, and some grow almost 2 metres tall, but this is a more modest one resembling those we see in Europe. Please…

Echinodorus sp

Echinodorus sp

There are many species of Echinodorus in Pantanal, and some grow almost 2 metres tall, but this is a more modest one resembling those we see in Europe. Please…

Queen (Danaus gilippus)

Queen (Danaus gilippus)

Queen (Danaus gilippus) is a truly amazing butterfly, and as I recall the only one of the species I encountered here at SouthWild Pantanal. Here it's visiting…

Tropical Pickerelweed (Pontederia rotundifolia)

Tropical Pickerelweed (Pontederia rotundifolia)

At first this looks like a starved water Hyacinth, and you might pass on to find one with a grand inflorescence. When you take a closer look you’ll see that…

Tropical Pickerelweed (Pontederia rotundifolia)

Tropical Pickerelweed (Pontederia rotundifolia)

At first this looks like a starved water Hyacinth, and you might pass on to find one with a grand inflorescence. When you take a closer look you'll see that…

Eleocharis sp

Eleocharis sp

In the more permanent water pools around SouthWild Pantanal, I found good populations of this species. I was in luck and found them in bloom. Please help me…

Aniseia martinicensis

Aniseia martinicensis

Native range of aniseia martinicensis is tropical and subtropical America.