Masked Trogon (Trogon personatus)

Masked Trogon (Trogon personatus)

A male in surveying mode, slowly moving its head to scan the surrounding for any insects it can capture.

Masked Trogon (Trogon personatus)

Masked Trogon (Trogon personatus)

A female in a typical posture, slowly moving its head to survey the surrounding and any insects it can capture.

Resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)

Resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)

This incredibly beautiful bird is blending so well with its environment that it can be in a tree right in front of you and you will still miss it. When perched…

Resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)

Resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)

A female quetzal consuming a freshly picked fruit from the tree nearby. In the early morning it does this trip to-and-fro several times until satisfied, and…

Rufous-vented yuhina (Yuhina occipitalis)

Rufous-vented yuhina (Yuhina occipitalis)

This was perhaps just another spring morning here in Bhutan, but to me it was such a special time at this location. This day started with such a beautiful and…

Blue-crowned trogon (Trogon curucui)

Blue-crowned trogon (Trogon curucui)

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) has a canopy tower, and that is an excellent way to experience canopy dwellers. Unfortunately I didn't bring my…

Actinocephalus polyanthus

Actinocephalus polyanthus

The very last couple of kilometres of road to the plateau of Itatiaia National Park is blocked by the park entrance, and even though you can drive to the…

Eriocaulon majusculum

Eriocaulon majusculum

Altitude: 2460 metres. Native range is southeastern Brazil.

Eriocaulon majusculum

Eriocaulon majusculum

Altitude: 2460 metres. Native range is southeastern Brazil.

Paepalanthus itatiaiensis

Paepalanthus itatiaiensis

Altitude: 2460 metres. Native range is southeastern Brazil.