Monolluma socotrana

Monolluma socotrana

Monolluma socotrana can be found with flowers almost any time of the year on Socotra, but where to find one is the question. This one was just next to the…

Camptoloma lyperiiflorum

Camptoloma lyperiiflorum

This species is easily recognized by the glandular hairs. It is found in the cliffs of western and southwestern Socotra, often in places protected by the sun.…

Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis)

Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis)

Found sporadically on Socotra and even rarer in bloom! Sometimes it grows under a bush, and you have to look inside many bushes to find one. Elevation: 409…

Cynanchum revoilii

Cynanchum revoilii

A very common species to mid-level elevations, but I have only occasionally encountered them in bloom like here. Native range is Northeast Tropical Africa to…

Sida ovata

Sida ovata

Native range is Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Iran to India. Elevation: 554 meters.

Socotra plant (Fabaceae)

Socotra plant (Fabaceae)

This is the only specimen of this species I have encountered so far on Socotra, and as I have not identified the species I also don't know how large it can…

Hypoestes pubescens

Hypoestes pubescens

Elevation: 641 meters. Endemic. Hypoestes…</p><hr class=

Ruellia paulayana

Ruellia paulayana

Endemic. Elevation: 641 meters. Ruellia paulayana

Commelina albescens

Commelina albescens

Native range is Eritrea to Malawi, Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan to West India Elevation: 641 meters.