Enghumleblom (Geum rivale)

Enghumleblom (Geum rivale)

I blomst er dette en vakker og dekorativ art, men straks tiden er kommet for frøspredning, er dette en av mange arter som spesielt hundeeiere blir motvillig…

Krypmispel (Cotoneaster horizontalis)

Krypmispel (Cotoneaster horizontalis)

Man kan si hva man vil om den invaderende og svartelistete fremmedarten krypmispel - høstfargene den produserer er av de aller mest storslåtte og varierte av…

Socotra cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis)

Socotra cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis)

Two Socotra cormorants was actually unusual, as I mostly saw them in one large mass. There are many of this species on the west coast of Socotra, especially…

Socotra cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis)

Socotra cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis)

The Socotra cormorant is both endemic to the region and thus a vulnerable species, but also due to excessive habitat loss caused by human activities. It's…

Guanay Cormorant (Phalacrocorax bougainvilliorum)

Guanay Cormorant (Phalacrocorax bougainvilliorum)

This has become a more uncommon species, and even here around havens like the Ballestas Islands in Peru I saw only a few individuals. None with chicks as I did…

Red-legged Cormorant (Poikilocarbo gaimardi)

Red-legged Cormorant (Poikilocarbo gaimardi)

This is the second of the regional species of cormorant I encountered, also this one becoming more and more rare - just like the guanay cormorant. I was in…

Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus)

Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus)

The oxbow lake at the Amazon Reaseach and Conservation Center holds enough fish to support ravenous giant otters, caimans, anhingas and neotropical……

Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus)

Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus)

This is a critical moment for the cormorant. It's a large fish and from my vantage point it seems unlikely it would swallow it. If it struggles too long, other…

Sølvmure (Potentilla argenta) UV

Sølvmure (Potentilla argenta) UV

I UV lys er mureblomsten svært forskjellig fra det ensfargete gule vi ser. Ingen tvil om hvor godsakene er for de som flyr forbi og kan se i UV.

Plomme (Prunus domestica)

Plomme (Prunus domestica)

Uten frukten kan bladene vanskelig skilles fra den domestikerte plommen. Men voksestedet gir nok en god pekepinn året rundt. For hvem vil vel bruke penger på…