Potamon socotrensis

Socotra freshwater crab (Socotrapotamon socotrense)

I found a surprising number of freshwater crabs at this permanent pool of water. Some were under water others were preparing for a day hidden from the sun…

Potamon socotrensis

Socotra freshwater crab (Socotrapotamon socotrense)

I found a surprising number of freshwater crabs at this permanent pool of water. Some were under water, some were wandering out in the open, others were…

Blåmose (Leucobryum glaucum)

Blåmose (Leucobryum glaucum)

Jeg har kun funnet en bestand av denne bladmose arten i området, men det er i tillegg en stor gruppe som vokser i en vestvendt skråning i Sandbukta.

Tandayapa Lepidoptera 27

Phrygionis polita

Once again a moth with nature's own Henna paint. It seems like metallic paint, as it's elevated from the rest of the wing surface. 0.002500,…

Ello Sphinx (Erinnyis ello)

Ello Sphinx (Erinnyis ello)

Most of the daytime (diurnal) butterflies were either hard to get close to, were restlessly fluttering around never to settle down more than a blink of an eye,…