Green-and-black Fruiteater (Pipreola riefferii)

Green-and-black Fruiteater (Pipreola riefferii)

As the name implies this is a fruit eater, and thus also a seed-disperser, yet I've never encountered it by any feeding stations. It blends in very well with…

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock (Rupicola peruvianus)

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock (Rupicola peruvianus)

This is such a unique looking species, unmistakable and like no other bird species. I've encountered it deep in the Canaima National Park in Venezuela, by the…

Black-tailed crake (Zapornia bicolor)

Black-tailed crake (Amaurornis bicolor)

It’s quite amazing to hear this loud and striking sound and not being able to see where it's coming from. In this case, all I saw was a waterlogged landscape…

Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)

Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)

Constance Lemuria is one of many hotels in Seychelles that follow conservation best-practices, and what follow is a unique experience with nature and creature…

Azure Gallinule (Porphyrio flavirostris)

Azure Gallinule (Porphyrio flavirostris)

Usually well hidden inside dense vegetation where the vocalization is the only sign it's there. The oxbow lake at the Amazon Research and conservation Center…

Slaty-breasted Wood Rail (Aramides saracura)

Slaty-breasted Wood Rail (Aramides saracura)

This individual had a rather peculiar behavior. It was seemingly oblivious to my presence and it preferred the open areas of the garden of Hotel do Ype to the…

Spangled Cotinga (Cotinga cayana)

Spangled Cotinga (Cotinga cayana)

From the two canopy towers of Cristalino Jungle Lodge you have a fantastic bird's eye view over the treetops, and you can see many of the canopy dwellers like…

Red-headed Manakin (Pipra rubrocapilla)

Red-headed Manakin (Pipra rubrocapilla)

There are many trails leading into the primary forest from Cristalino Jungle Lodge, and I encountered these two manakins not far from the lodge. I just…

Purple Gallinule (Porphyrio martinica)

Purple Gallinule (Porphyrio martinica)

The many man made canals in the higher grounds of Fazenda San Fransico offer excellent opportunities for a wide variety of animals - from insects, birds and…