South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens)

South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens)

Ballestas Islands off Paracas in Peru is one of very few protected areas of the Puruvian coast, and it's teaming with life. This group of sea lions seems to…

Ludwigia bonariensis

Ludwigia bonariensis

A common species in the Pantanal, and this I found right outside the buildings of SouthWild Pantanal. Native range is southern USA to Argentina.

Ludwigia bonariensis

Ludwigia bonariensis

A common species in the Pantanal, and this I found right outside the buildings of SouthWild Pantanal. Native range is southern USA to Argentina.

Ludwigia bonariensis UV

Ludwigia bonariensis UV

In the light we humans see, this flower is uniformly yellow, with a hint of variance in the centre. In UV this variance is very dark and different from the…

Krattmjølke (Epilobium montanum)

Krattmjølke (Epilobium montanum)

Vokser vanlig langs vei, som denne langs grusveien i Sandbukta – like ved postkassene.

Krattmjølke (Epilobium montanum) UV

Krattmjølke (Epilobium montanum) UV

Ingen store overraskelser i UV lys - slik som eksempelvis potentillaer og skjermplanter, som ofte viser helt mørke områder vi ikke finner igjen i lyset vi…

Geitrams (Chamerion angustifolium)

Geitrams (Chamerion angustifolium)

Når jeg var liten blomstret geitramsen når ferien var på hell, men i år sto den i full blomst i slutten av juni.

Mosaic flower (Ludwigia sedioides)

Mosaic flower (Ludwigia sedioides)

I found none in bloom, so I wonder when they do bloom, as soon the locations they grow in will be under water again. Native range is Mexico to Paraguay.