Swamp Skimmer (Orthemis cultriformis)

Swamp Skimmer (Orthemis cultriformis)

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Speckled Dashers (Genus Micrathyria)

ARCC dragonfly 03

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Amberwings (Genus Perithemis)

ARCC dragonfly 02

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Amberwings (Genus Perithemis)

ARCC dragonfly 01

Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is protecting primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon, and this is one of countless species of dragonflies I…

Maigull (Chrysosplenium alternifolium)

Maigull (Chrysosplenium alternifolium)

Denne arten vokser enkelte steder i Delingsdalen i tette bestander, men ofte finner man ensomme planter langt fra sine artsfrender. Den trives best der det er…

Nyresildre (Saxifraga granulata)

Nyresildre (Saxifraga granulata)

Karakteristiske blader på nyresildren - avrundete i nedre bladrosett og spisse oppe på stengelen.

Nyresildre (Saxifraga granulata)

Nyresildre (Saxifraga granulata)

I en av skråningene ned mot Ingierstrand bad er det en stor bestand av nyresildre - kanskje den største på svartskog. De er så mange i blomst at man ser det…