African migrant (Catopsilia florella)

African migrant (Catopsilia florella)

This was the first of many species of butterflies I encountered on Socotra, and here I found at least 6 males of Catopsilia florella. I find the male rather…

African migrant (Catopsilia florella)

African migrant (Catopsilia florella)

The female of the species I encountered around the mangrove forest on Shuab beach of west Socotra.

Eurema agave

Eurema agave

Sitting on an inflorescense on a sandbank of the river Cuiaba upriver from Porto Jofre.

Filtkongslys (Verbascum thapsus)

Filtkongslys (Verbascum thapsus)

Jeg har tidligere hatt en over to meter høy utgave av arten i hagen, og sådde frø fra den rundt morplanten og omgivelsene rundt, men dette til tross fikk jeg…

Mørkkongslys (Verbascum nigrum)

Mørkkongslys (Verbascum nigrum)

Dette er en plante som jeg noen år finner flere av her i Sandbukta, og denne ha r ulykkeligvis slått seg ned langs veien nede i Sandbukta, der den i sommer har…

Mørkkongslys (Verbascum nigrum) UV

Mørkkongslys (Verbascum nigrum) UV

I UV lys er kronbladene lyse og pollenknapper og tråder mørke. For menensket er UV kanskje en blek kopi av de nøyanser vi ser i vårt begrensete del av lyset,…

Eurema sp.

Eurema sp.

On the path close to the new rooms at Cristalino Jungle Logde there was a large asteraceae bush in bloom, and naturally I found many wonderful species there.…

Leucadia White (Melete leucadia)

Leucadia White (Melete leucadia)

This individual was infrequently accompanied by the beautiful Orsilochus Daggerwing which too was sucking up salts from the sand. This the beginning of the…

Leuce Yellow (Pyrisitia leuce)

Leuce Yellow (Pyrisitia leuce)

A small sandbank not far from the pier of Fazenda San Fransico was crowded with a great number of butterflies, and I was fortunate to disembark and get some…

Elathea Yellow (Eurema elathea)

Elathea Yellow (Eurema elathea)

A small sandbank not far from the pier of Fazenda San Fransico was crowded with a great number of butterflies, and I was fortunate to disembark and get some…