Lysende nattskyer - Noctilucent clouds

Lysende nattskyer – Noctilucent clouds

Lysende nattskyer er noe som kun kan sees i sommermånedene, og bare rundt 50-70 grader nord og sør, men som likevel ikke er vanlige å se. Dette er skyer som er…

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Such an amazing moment! Warm summer's night, with a calm sea reflecting the wonderous sky.

2015 lunar eclipse

2015 lunar eclipse

What an amazing night!! Perfect conditions due to a high pressure system. No wind, and no significant clouds during totality. After totality and towards…

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Last summer was sunny and warm, and many of the nights were filled with these mysterious night-shining clouds. This summer has been a cool, cloudy and unstable…

Socotra startrails

Socotra startrails

I will never forget the 2 days I had on top of Socotra in the Haghier mountains. This is the highest of them all - Skand - looking west. At this time there's…

Fireflies of Made de Dios

Fireflies of Madre de Dios

I stayed many days deep in the Peruvian Amazon, in the biodiverse Madre de Dios region where life is abundant every second of every hour of the day and night.…

Madre de Dios star trails

Madre de Dios star trails

I stayed many days deep in the Peruvian Amazon, in the biodiverse Madre de Dios region where life is abundant every second of every hour of the day and night.…

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

The summer of 2014 has been the most incredible of all summers perhaps in a generation weather wise, but most of all noctilucent clouds wise. Clear skies…

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Yet another incredible outburst of noctilucent clouds, and still only the beginning of July!…

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

I've been watching the sky every night so far this summer and only seen very vague hints of noctilucent clouds. Last year I did not see any at all. This time I…