Socotran Hullwort (Coleus socotranus)

My first encounter of this species on Socotra, near the plateau above the cliffs of Hoq. The goats have easy access to this individual and have browsed it in the past. Fortunately there is plenty of grasses so far this year, which might provide time enough for it to grow flowers. As this was the only one of this species I encountered I have yet to see the purple flowers.


Elevation: 466 meters.

Socotran Hullwort (Coleus socotranus)

Socotran Hullwort (Coleus socotranus)

Socotran Hullwort (Coleus socotranus)

Socotran Hullwort (Coleus socotranus)

Last updated on 23 August 2023