Jaguar (Panthera onca)

After many days in the north of Pantanal I had just seen a jaguar (Panthera onca) for 3 seconds – too brief to even photograph it. Finally seeing this one I was determined to get a shot no matter what, at least as proof.

I was in a boat and the location was very unstable. The only position I could see the eyes was so high up due to the dense vegetation that I had to stand on my toes in a wobbly boat. I ramped up the shutter speed so that at least some exposures would be sharp.

After I got the proof I relaxed a bit more, relaxed the shutter and ISO speed back to normal and entered the mode of waiting. Waiting for it to move out of the dark shade.

Nothing happened for a very long time, until the weather changed. A thunderstorm was fast approaching, and this was the cue for the hunter.

This image shows how hidden the jaguar is most of the time and how it is watching us much more than we it. I had passed it earlier this day, and would not have known it was there unless someone else saw it entered the shade of this particular tree.

This individual is a male, named George by those protecting, and recording the jaguars and their goings on here. The spots on the side and face are like fingerprints, and each new individual is given a unique name.

Last updated on 23 June 2024