Red Cracker (Hamadryas amphinome)

Alongside the trails leading down to the Devil’s Throat of Iguaçu Falls I saw several species of butterflies I have not seen before, and this red cracker (Hamadryas amphinome) was the only one of this species during my three days here. Common to all butterflies was the tempting human salt left from sweaty palms on the railings and wherever humans have left their drops of sweat.

I’ve seen this species in Bolivia, but this is the first one to display the colorful underside.

The name comes from the sound it makes when it takes off, which was not possible for me to hear, due to the overpowering roar of Iguaçu Falls.

Red Cracker (Hamadryas amphinome)

Red Cracker (Hamadryas amphinome)

Red Cracker (Hamadryas amphinome)

Red Cracker (Hamadryas amphinome)

Last updated on 10 July 2024