Since the first shots at around 20:40, the clouds moved in and the northern lights slowly withdrew to the north, as if the show was over.
3 hours later while walking my dog I see a fast moving swirl over the tree tops, and quickly walk home to grab the camera. There were no more swirls in the high position I saw them during my walk, and the remaining lights displayed mostly behind clouds, and lower and lower in the sky.
I did catch something I did not during the first session – pillars! Colors ranging from green to pink. Nice!
Unfortunately a helicopter moved into the scene, and that’s the green streak with white dots in the lower left.
A great evening in my book – many thanks!
Last updated on 15 December 2020
Vakkert – helt herlig!
Men litt for høy ISO.
Det er alltid en avveining mellom ISO og lukkertid. Lavere ISO betyr lengre lukkertid for å få like mye lys og detaljer av nordlyset og i dette tilfellet vil høyere lukkertid få stjernene til å dras utover på grunn av jordrotasjonen.
Heldigvis er Nikon D3s kanskje det beste kameraet når det gjelder bildekvalitet på høye ISO verdier, så her er 2000 ISO langt mindre støyplaget enn andre kameraer med samme verdi.