2016 solar eclipse
2016 Solar eclipse
2016 solar eclipse
2015 lunar eclipse
Total solar eclipse 2015
Rainbow Metalmark (Caria trochilus)
Lysippus Metalmark (Riodina lysippus)
Cat’s-eye Sapphire (Lasaia arsis)
Diaphania sp.
Cat’s-eye Sapphire (Lasaia arsis)
Smith's Pixie (Melanis smithiae)
Green Mantle (Caria mantinea)
Glittering Sapphire (Lasaia agesilas)
Red-barred Amarynthis (Amarynthis meneria)
Cleonus Metalmark (Detritivora cleonus)
Rainbow metalmark (Caria trochilus)
Black-patched Metalmark (Lasaia agesilas)
Total lunar eclipse of June 2011
2010 total solar eclipse
2009 total solar eclipse – the longest eclipse of the century