Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)
Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)
Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)
Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)
Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)
Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)
Onion-Leafed Asphodel (Asphodelus fistulosus)
Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)
Perry's Aloe (Aloe perryi)
2016 solar eclipse
2016 Solar eclipse
2016 solar eclipse
2015 lunar eclipse
Total solar eclipse 2015
Aloe perryi
Aloe perryi
Aloe perryi
Fernseea itatiaiae
Fernseea itatiaiae
Bromelia sylvicola
Tillandsia samaipatensis
Wild Pineapple (Ananas sp)
Guzmania squarrosa
Racinaea goudae
Total lunar eclipse of June 2011
Tillandsia turneri
Brocchinia tatei
Connellia quelchii
Lindmania guianensis
2010 total solar eclipse
2009 total solar eclipse – the longest eclipse of the century