Socotran Pomegranate (Punica protopunica)

Socotran Pomegranate (Punica protopunica)

A vibrant, healthy and quite tall Punica protopunica, found next to the walls of the north east of Socotra. These vertical cliffs provide shade and moisture…

Dioscorea lanata

Dioscorea lanata

The shape of the leaves provides information that this is a species and an individual with a huge growth potential. This is a twining plant that can grow to…

Erissel, Socotra

Erissel, Socotra

These towers are made by the male Red Sea Ghost Crab (Ocypode saratan). The crabs are found on the coast throughout Socotra, but they are only able to make…

Homhil, Socotra

Homhil, Socotra

Socotra is full of extraordinary geological features, and when water is in the mix it is even more spectacular. Here the layers of cascading rock gives the…

Homhil, Socotra

Homhil, Socotra

Although much of Socotra appears bone dry, the island is like a huge water reservoir. First and foremost the Haghier mountains are rainmakers in their own…

Boswellia elongata

Boswellia elongata

This is Homhil at its most beautiful – green and vibrant after the winter rains. Unfortunately this is but a faint echo of past glory, when the land was in…

Dixam, Socotra

Dixam, Socotra

The mighty Dirhur canyon is perhaps most impressive when seen from Dixam. From here you can see the fringes of Firhmin Forest on the other side of the canyon.…

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana

The smaller plant species of Socotra are somewhat easier to find during flowering. But even then they can be tricky to find as they often grow in the shadow of…

Firhmin Forest, Socotra

Firhmin Forest, Socotra

The iconic dragon blood tree (Dracaena cinnabari), found only on the island of Socotra. Here they grow in the tens of thousands (Firhmin forest is estimated to…

Heliotropium nigricans

Heliotropium nigricans

I was here in 2015 and then I struggled hard to find a single plant with a flower! That is how heavily browsed these plants were then. This time the winter…