2015 Perseids and northern lights over Oslo

2015 Perseids and northern lights over Oslo

What an incredible number of coincidences in one night! First of all a clear night - a rarity this summer! Add the first aurora borealis after the bright…

Peru Pacific Iguana (Microlophus peruvianus)

Peru Pacific Iguana (Microlophus peruvianus)

The coast of Peru is a desert, and fresh water is only available from springs or rivers fed by the Andes. This lizard was far from any such resources, so I…

South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens)

South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens)

Ballestas Islands off Paracas in Peru is one of very few protected areas of the Puruvian coast, and it's teaming with life. This group of sea lions seems to…

Amazon Lava Lizard (Tropidurus torquatus)

Amazon Lava Lizard (Tropidurus torquatus)

These lizards were common alongside the path following the Iguaçu Falls.

Salar de Uyuni and The Magellanic Clouds

Salar de Uyuni and The Magellanic Clouds

This was an incredibly windy and cold night, and it was really hard to find a place away from the wind to set up the camera for long exposures. Even with my…

Nevado Sajama

Nevado Sajama

Bolivias highest mountain - 6542 metres high - facing south. What a magnificent moment - the Large Magellanic cloud right above Sajama, the Milkyway to the…

Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki)

Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki)

The landing on Punta Espinoza is a wide open sandy beach amidst young lavarock, that looks like solidified manure. I saw many sea lion pups here, and this one…

Galápagos lava lizard (Michrolophus albemarlensis)

Galápagos lava lizard (Michrolophus albemarlensis)

Also known as Tropidurus spp. Santa Cruz,Galapagos-0.741575, -90.303497

Draconid meteors and Northern lights (Aurora borealis)

Draconid meteors and Northern lights (Aurora borealis)

The Draconid meteors are generally faint, so with a near full moon the amount seen this night were few and far between. Being inside the huge dome of Oslo's…

Draconid meteors

Draconid meteors

This is a composite of 14 exposures that all contain one or more Draconids, making the dotted star trails. As Oslo and the near full moon strongly pollutes the…