Sonerila khasiana

Sonerila khasiana

Sonerila khasiana is found in Sikkim's temperate biome. Elevation: 1936 meters. Native range is Nepal to South Tibet and Myanmar.

Medinilla himalayana

Medinilla himalayana

Medinilla himalayana is found in Sikkim's subtropical biome. Elevation: 1936 meters. Native range is East Himalaya to China.

Vellozia glauca

Vellozia glauca

Only a few days, perhaps weeks a year vellozia glauca produces huge and wonderful flowers. I was very grateful to be here at the very end of this short period.…

Vellozia glauca

Vellozia glauca

On my way into Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park, a tiny protected area on the immensely diverse Cerrado of Brazil, I saw this colorful flash of pink in the…

Grønnløvtege (Elasmostethus interstinctus)

Grønnløvtege (Elasmostethus interstinctus)

Dette var en uvanlig varm og herlig oktoberdag! Fjorden var blikkstille og det var fantastisk å kunne kjenne en siste rest av sommer så sent på høsten. I denne…

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park plant 14 (Melastomataceae)

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park plant 14 (Melastomataceae)

I observed new (to me at least) and different species of plants wherever I looked, and even though I left the the plateau the very same trail walked up, I saw…

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park plant 14 (Melastomataceae)

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park plant 14 (Melastomataceae)

I observed new (to me at least) and different species of plants wherever I looked, and even though I left the the plateau the very same trail walked up, I saw…

Tibouchina sp

Tibouchina sp

Altitude 2112 metres. Please help me identify it - leave a comment!

Tibouchina sp

Tibouchina sp

The first Melastomataceae I've seen so far with 7-petalled flowers - they mostly seem to have 4 or 5 petals. Altitude 2112 metres. Please help me identify it -…